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HEPA Europe materials

Health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) Policy Audit Tool (PAT) (Version 2)

Bull FC, Milton K, Kahlmeier S. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016

  • Scientific publication on the development of the PAT
    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2014, 11: p. 233-240
  • Scientific publication "Turning the tide: national policy approaches to increasing physical activity in seven European countries"
    British Journal of Sports Medicine doi:10.1136/bjsports-2013-093200

The promotion of physical activity across the life course requires a multifaceted response across multiple sectors. Country level action on policy implementation is of great interest and there is much to be learnt from sharing information and experience about what policy levers can be used and how to engage and implement action plans across multiple sectors.

This HEPA Policy Audit Tool (PAT) provides a protocol and method for a detailed compilation and communication of country level policy responses on physical inactivity. It is structured around a set of 17 key attributes identified as essential for successful implementation of a population-wide approach to the promotion of physical activity across the life course. Completing the tool can foster collaboration between different government departments and other organizations interested in HEPA. It can provide a catalyst for greater communication and joint strategic planning and actions and foster improved collaboration across sectors for future policy development and implementation.
